Friday, November 18, 2005

ESPN is such a joke

I've been a critic of ESPN for a long time. Essentially, I think about 3 years ago they crossed the line from bringing entertainment into sports analysis into promoting themselves over the actual sports. Screamin A' Smith, Playmakers, the Pete Rose "trial," etc. are all evidence of this negative trend. So much of ESPN programming is just geared towards ratings and the brand name, and to me they should have at least some semblance of journalistic integrity. This ongoing Terrell Owens story is yet another example. The number one person to blame for this mess is T.O. Number two is probably Drew Rosenhaus. But three is probably ESPN. It seems like two years now that they will have a T.O. story on every show every day of the week. They ask every relevant actor probing questions over and over again, and when they say something that can be spun and talked about, that is the next big spin. It honestly isn't that big of a story. But they are doing what the network news does, where they pick some random story that they think can get people to tune in, and then they hype it and hype it and hype it until people really do care. Give it a rest already, ESPN.


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